Cosgrove family at Prairie Creek park

I photographed this family back in 2015 at the Dallas Arboretum when these three were just little babies. The twins were just walking if I recall and the youngest was just a baby in a stroller.

They ended up moving out to East Texas and contacted me recently wanting a new session and were willing to drive to me. It means so much when clients love my work that much to not only book with me again but drive so far to shoot with me. This time we met up at Prairie Creek Park and although it was extremely hot outside and after an hour or more car ride for those littles, they really did so well during the session. They started getting tired and hungry so I had them sing to me and loud! They sang ABC’s and The Wheels on the Bus and together and in tune!!! It was awesome!

Super proud and I was so excited to see them all again! Mom had super cute outfits for them, ahhhh so adorable!!

Here are some of my favorites from their session!

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