Valerie & Edward’s Catholic wedding previews

I shot a gorgeous Catholic wedding at St Jude Catholic Church of Mansfield

Valerie & Edward have such a special story and have two handsome little boys together.

From the bride:

My husband and I met at the start of our senior year in high school. He was a football player and I was a cheerleader and we met through mutual friends. Over the course of 6 months we became the best of friends, even though he always wanted to be more.
However, I started to fall for him and the exact
moment I knew I was in love with him was on my birthday 2004 when he skipped his lunch, drove across town 30 mins to a flower shop to buy me the most beautiful bouquet of tulips with a bright pink bow on it, drove back to class late, sat though class with the flowers then walked across the school to give them to me. I had only ever told him once that my favorite flower was tulips and my favorite color was pink, but he remembered. We officially started dating exactly a month later and we have been inseparable ever since. My husband has always been a romantic and over the last 14 years I have fallen more in love with him every day. We always knew we would get married but life happened, and we just hadn’t been able to till now.
The Proposal: On Christmas eve Dec 2013 we went to the children’s mass as we always do every year. There was a large present under the tree and all month he kept telling me it was going to be the best Christmas ever. I kept telling him that as long as I had him and my boys that it would be great regardless. He continued to tell me it would be just awesome. What I didn’t know was he had taken my oldest with him in October to choose my ring together and he had been planning to propose since then. Before mass I told him that I wanted a family picture but my youngest son was just months old at the time and I had to leave mass to nurse him in the car (the black dress I wore wasn’t nursing friendly) We ended up leaving right after but when we got home, I was in the kitchen about to walk upstairs and he told me not to change because we still had to take our family picture. He then asks me to stand in front of our Christmas tree and says that we should let our oldest take one of just him and I. Little did I know he was actually recording. Right before we take what I think is a picture he holds my hands tells me how much he loves me and how blessed he is to have spent this many Christmases with me and how amazing and wonderful he thinks I am. Somehow between those sweet words and the next minute I just remember him asking me to put this brown paper bag on the table, which is where he had been hiding the box with the ring. As I turn around to put the bag on the table and when I turn back around to look at him he is on one knee reminding me that he is looking forward to forever with me.

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