Quiana and Glenda engagement session

June is pride month. 🌈

Quiana and Glenda are getting married in October. We started out at Arlington Hall and Lee Park then ended at Hunky’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers for a lifestyle session there. My assistant and I had never been to Hunky’s and I have to tell you by far the best hamburger I have ever eaten, hands down! Wow!

Congrats to this sweet couple, take a look at some of my favorites from the session.

This month we celebrate and honor the #LGBTQ community. #pride2017#lgbt🌈 #lgbtq #june #pridemonth #standforlgbtq #lgbtphotographer#lgbtcommunity #dfwphotographer #samesexwedding #samesexcouple#dallasphotographer #texasphotographer #dfwlgbt

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